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1970s Spot Desk Lamp
Black Enamel Desk Lamp
Pressed Glass Bedside Lamp
Shell Vintage Table Lamp
Vicke Lindstrand for Kosta Boda Glass
Aqua Glass Table Bowl
Art Glass Vessel Signed Bowlby
Bengt Orup Martini Jug
Candlewax Vase by Frantisek Pečeny
Glass Sculptural Bottle Form - Attributed to Sam Herman
Hilary Crawford Art Glass Vessel
Isle of Wight Squirrel Paper Weight or Figurine
Lindshammer Specimen Vase
Mid-Century Decorative Art Glass Vessel
Norwegian Magnor Art Glass Bowl
Orrefors Bowl
Orrefors Glass Vessel
Peter Crisp Bowl
Pukeburg Specimen Vase
Rosenthal - Bjorn Wiinblad Display Plate
Seda Blue Glass Vessel
Tall Blue Glass Vessel
Textured Bowl
Veireria & Fiori Murano Glass Paper Weight
Venini Bullicante Bowl
Aboriginal Motive Studio Anna Pottery Vessel
Vande Pottery Display Dish #1
Vande Pottery Display Dish #2
1970s Buler Acrylic Cased Wrist Watch
1970s Orient Quartz Alarm Clock
Arabia Cheese Plater by Ulla Procope
Bernard Leach Jug
Betty McLaren Pottery Bowl
Bitossi Rimini Blue Vessel
Carlton Ware Dish 1387
Carn Pottery Specimen Vase
Ceramic Islander Lady Bowl
Cyma Amic Travel Alarm Clock
Derek Smith Pottery Cylinder Vessel
Derek Smith Pottery Jug
Diamond Ware Shell Wall Vase
Don James Studio Raku Vessel
Eddie Puruntatameri Plate
Enamel Plater by Jan Lancaster
Enamelled Copper Bowl
Enamelled Copper Bowl by Roy Fettle
Enamelled Copper Display Plate
Eric Jucket Pottery Vase
Erling & Karin Heerwagen Pottery Bowl
Europa Horse Shoe Alarm Clock
Glenda Everton Gum-Nut Pottery Vessel
Guzzini Pen Holder
J.H.Q. Candle or Tapper Holders
Jacinta Kenta Heffernan Pottery Dish
James Hall Pottery Bowl
Japanese Ceramic Motor Car Cruet Set
Jim & Jean Tyler Studio Potter Vessel
Jim and Jean Tyler Pottery
Joan Sayers Handmade Pot
John Bosco Tipiloura Pottery Bowl
John Bosco Tipiloura Pottery Bowl
John Godfrey Studio Pottery Vessel
John Godfrey Studio Stoneware Vessel
John Patrick Kalantumama Pottery Vessel
Kurt Ulmer Turned Sassafras Platters
Kym Maxwell Pottery
La Grand Ramekin #1
La Grand Ramekin #2
Leo Sadlek Bespoke Burl Maple Clock
Les Blakebrough Pottery Vase
Les Blakebrough Sturt Pottery Covered Jug
Lindsey Bedogni Pottery
Lindsey Bedogni Pottery Vessel
Martin Boyd Pottery Vase
MCP Pottery Modernists Vase
Milton Moon Display Bowl
Miniature Accolay Pottery
Modern PNG Pottery Jug Form Vessel
Nancy Wickham Boyd Pottery Vase
Paul Wynn - Sturt Pottery Vase
Perfex Pepper Mill
Peter Travis Pottery Table Bowl
Pitcairn Island Turtle Sculpture by Floyd McCoy
Poole Pottery Aegean Dish
Poole Pottery Delphis Vessel
Poole Pottery Display Plate
Pottery Jardinière by Bjorn Wiinblad for Rosenthal
Retro Australian Coronet Pottery Vase
Sculptural Italian Ceramic Money Box
Simon Raffan Turned Stringy Bark Bowl
Souvenir Model of Fernshturm
St. Ives Pottery Jug
Swedish Gabis Table Mat
Turned Black-Boy Bowl
Vintage Turned Teak Bowl
Yellow Bitossi Table Ash Tray
"Grey Day" by Les Belcher '71
Alex Matier Framed Water Color
Colonial School Seascape by E. Hill
Decorative Naïve Equine Painting
Early Australian Glass Painting
Gorokan Mud Man
Herbert Carstens Toowoomban Landscape
Ink & Paint Triptych by Jenny Saunders
Landscape by Alfred Gant 1957
Mikumo Woodblock Print
Miniature View of Grand Canal Italy
Near Sunset Maroochy River. Queensland; by Raymond Bambrick, 1944
PNG Highland's Man
PNG Tribal Dress
Prue Delany – A Brisbane Street Scape
Return of Burke & Wills to Coopers Creek
Sylvia Fitton ‘Good Fishing’
Tupela pisin paradasis I was long kiau isthp; Oscar Towa, 2004
Winifred Beamish Landscape
“Full as a Grog” by P. Browne ’85.
Asian Sterling Silver Box
Burmese Offering Bowl
Zsolnay Lustre Owl Figurine
18/19th Century Russian Charka Cup
1927 Florin Silver Spoon w/- Kangaroo Finial
1970s Japanese Luna Globe
19th Century Miniature or Apprentice Rosewood Drop side Table
Art Nouveau Enamelled Glass Dressing Table Set
Asian Silver ‘Basket-Formed’ Ashtray
Australian Folk Glass Painting
Australian Sterling Silver Pate Knife
Belleek Shell Form Gravy Boat
Bendigo Pottery ‘Waverley Ware’ Tea Set
Brass Bottle Shaped Vesta
Brass Servant's Bell
Bronze Kiwi Bird Sculpture
Carlton Ware Bowl
Carlton Ware Pot Stand
Cast Iron Bear Money Box
Cast Iron ‘Bank’ Money Box
Cattle Horn Paper Knife w/- Silver Mounts
Chinese Export Ware Fish Dish
Colonial Australian Red Cedar Tobacco Caddy
Decorative Picture Frame
Delittle York Carved Poster Print Block
Early 20th Century Japanese Cloisonné Box
Early Copper Australia Shaped Dish
Early Primitive Timber Ladle Spoon
Early Turned Lidded Box
Faulted 1972 Canadian One Dollar Paperweight
Fine Early Tortoise Shell Sided Pocket Knife
Finely Carved Walking Stick
Florence Twells Painted Tea-Pot Stand
Folk Art Carved Hand Holding Ball Door Knocker
Folk-art Colonial Painted Emu Egg
Francis Howard, Sheffield S/S Jug c: 1897
Frank Rock Pottery Wall Vase
Gymea Art Pottery
Hobart Crest on Florentine China
Indian Brass Bell w/- Brahman Bull Finial
Jumbo Clockwork Tinplate Toy
Juvenile Saltwater Crocodile Taxidermy
Ken Ward Carved and Mounted Emu Egg
King Fisher Carnival Glass Master Bowl
Landscape Marble Pot Stand.
Late 19th-Early 20th Century Bath Salts Bottle
Lithgow Pottery Canister w/- Kangaroo Mark
Mako Shark Jaws - Taxidermy
Maori New Zealand Presentation Box
Miniature Coffee Pot Pepper Shaker
Miniature Columbus-Verlag Paul Oestergaard K.G. German Students Globe
Miniature Japanese Students World Globe
Miniature Singer Sewing Machine
Miniature Swimming Trophy
Moorcroft Hibiscus Bowl
Nineteenth Century Carved Pearl Shell Carving of Young Boy & Dog
Opaline Glass Vase
Painted Bottle Attributed Frank Rock
Pair of Black Stone Dogs of Fo
Papua New Guinea Souvenir Tea-Pot Stand
Parquetry Box
Pates Pottery Ashtray with Kangaroo
Pitcairn Island Fish Carving.
Port Arthur Pottery Canister
Presentation Foundation Silver Trowel
Primitive Cricket Bat Fetish
Purple Fluorite Crystal
Rare Lithgow Pottery Spittoon
Remued Gumnut Pottery Jug - 119M series
Remued Pottery 142-S Branch Sided Pot
Schweppes Advertising Letter Knife
Shelley C&S - 'Won at Canberra South'
Soko Satsuma Vase
Souvenir Can: Dehydrated Water
Souvenir Resin Scrimshaw Whale Tooth
Splatter Work Cribbage Board
Sterling Silver Enamel Crested Tea Spoons
Sterling Silver Marcasite Snake Brooch
Sterling Silver Photo Frame
Sterling Silver Swizzle Stick
Steuben Iridescent Aurene Calcite Glass Bowl
Swan Wall Vase- Pates Pottery
T.C. Brown-Westhead, Moore & Co. Plate
Tasmanian Copper on Plaque
Taxidermy - Asian Jungle Fowl
Taxidermy: Crucifix Catfish Skull
Tibetan Bone and Silver Teacup
Tinplate Clockwork Rabbit US Zone - D.R.G.M.
Tramp Art Wall Bracket with Drawer
Tureen Chip-carved Folding Bootjack
Una Deerbon Pottery Plater
Unofficial Hobart Crest, Brass Dish
Victorian Foot-Stool – Jevons & Mellor
Victorian Glass Vase
Vintage Carr & Co Biscuit Tin
Vintage Weber Costello Globe
Waterloo Lion Paper Weight
Western Australian Land Scape by Raphael Baxter
Wills’s Capstan Tobacco Advertising Ash Tray
‘Mary Greggory’ Jug
Betel Nut Mortar
Coastal and Lower Sepik area, PNG Neck Rest
Coastal Sepik River – Murik Lakes Ancestor Figure
Coastal Sepik/Ramu River Neck Rest
Coastal Sepik/Ramu Rivers Neck-Rest
Fijian Kava Bowl
Fijian Ula Tava Tava Throwing Club
Gold Lip Kina Shell Pendant
Highlands Kina Shell Pendant
Humboldt Bay Canoe Prowl Ornament
Huon Gulf Coconut Basket
Iatmul Over Modeled Turtle Shell.
Iatmul Sternum Bone Mask
Mannus Island Gourd Lime Container
Manus Island Ceremonial Ladle
Maprik Woven Yam Mask
Micronesian Fishing Box
Middle Sepik Figure
PNG Female Figure.
PNG Nassa Shell Bride-Price or Adornment Object
PNG Southern Highland, Timbuwara Figures
PNG Southern Highlands Huli Mans Headdress
PNG, Coastal Sepik River Betel Nut Mortar
Pre-contact Fijian Uli Club
Ramu River Ancestor Figure
Tami Island, PNG Bird Form Bowl
Trobriand Island Soul Boat
Trobriand Islands Ebony Club
Trobriand Islands Figurative Finial
Aboriginal Bark Painting - Dugong
Aboriginal Bird Figure
Arnham Land Emu Feather Dance Object
Arnham Land Mokoy Figure
Bark Painting of Fish att: Mick-Kubarkku
Croker Island Bark of Fish att: Jambulumla
East Kimberley Aboriginal Engraved Slate
Echidna Ngarrbek by Larry Bangarr
Groote Island Model Canoe
Hermannsburg Boomerang w/- Emus by Henry Rubuntja
Northern Territory Model Canoe
Port Keats Bark Painting
Queensland Aboriginal Woven Basket
Victorian River Ceremonial Spear Points
Woven Dilly Bag.
Mossi Figure
Paired Yoruba Figures
Tribal African Chair
Yoruba Ancestral Figure
Yoruba Ifa Divining Plate
South American Indian Textile Fetish
Balinese Figure Group Carving
Duyu Ceremonial Bowl
Ethiopian Coptic Cross
Indonesian Ancestral Figure
Indonesian Figurative Medicine Container Stopper
Indonesian Loom Wheel
Inuit Figure Sculpture
Pitcairn Island Turtle Carving
Ritual Dagger
Timor Atauro Ancestor Figure
Timorese Figure